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Coaching Phase Courses 

Phase I - The Philosophy and Principles of Athletics in Education (45 hours)

Course Description

The title of the course is ``The Philosophy and Principles of Athletics in Education``. State, local and national policies and regulations related to athletics will be discussed. Other topics considered will be: legal issues, the function and organization of leagues and athletic associations of NYS; personal standards for the coach as an educational leader, public relations, safety procedures, principles of school budgets, record keeping as well as purchasing and facility usage. 

*Attendance at all sessions is mandatory for certification



Phase III - Theory and Techniques of Coaching (35 hours)

Course Description

This course will discuss topics such as the history of interscholastic athletics in NYS, the objectives, rules, regulations and policies of athletics. Performance skills, technical information, organization and management practices, safety precautions and officiating methods, will also be included. Part of this course also examines specific sports and special training and conditioning of athletes in specific sports. Instead of a lecture format, this portion of the course will be covered by a mandatory 10-hour observation requirement.

*Attendance at all sessions is Mandatory for certification



View Video

Phase II - Health Sciences Applied to Coaching (45 hours)


Course Description

A course designed to increase a coach's knowledge in: exercise prescription, sport specific and general conditioning techniques, specific risk analysis and assessment, nutrition, and a large foundation on the human body systems and their function/ interaction in exercise.

*Attendance at all sessions is mandatory for certification

Please look at each evening's course work so you are prepared and can give good questions, comments, feedback.



  • Smoking and Athletics

  • Smokeless Tobacco

  • Alcohol

  • Physiology Presentation

  • Bones and Muscles

  • Sports Psychology

  • Concussion Management

  • Concussion Management 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        




Strength Training



Warm Up

Weight Perscription


Athlete Nutrition

Advanced Nutrition

Run To WarmUp


 To Do

Saturday is Coaches Day for Presentations:  Health Topic related to Sports.  Power Point/Similar Presentation 15min with Sources

Hand in Presentation and all Homework

NYS Education Department

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